Do you ever really beat this game?
20 years ago me and my brother were pissed at a thing called Steam. Today it’s the only place I wanna buy games on.
Well, I guess I'm getting old because I remember when the game came out. I'm also getting old because I just realized that its this games 20th birthday at 23:30, so I only have an half hour to write this! Let's see how many memories I can put down in that amount of time!
Did you like Astros Playroom that came with your PS5? Great, this is more of that!
I'm a bit torn on this game.
Just finished Crisis Core. Or to be more specific, CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION
(great title!)
I finally finished FF6 yesterday. This is a game I’ve had on my backlog for quite some time… probably as long as I’ve had the concept of a backlog.
I've been gushing over RDR2 lately. I played through it again earlier in the year, and it was incredible. And I feel like it gets better with age. I don't think we quite got how good it was when it released. But now its been over 5 years and it is still incredible.
Haven't done one of these posts in a while. Not sure why. I've been playing a bunch of games, albeit most of them have been games I already played before. But today I have a brand spanking new game that was awesome that I want to talk about (and have somewhere to dump all the gorgeous screenshots.)
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